You can also click on error detail to find the exact error. If you are connected and continue to see the error, contact your system administrator. Please connect to your corporate network. Windows is unable to reach your company’s activation service. Question Installed windows pro with home licence.In some cases, the activation error may look like below: PC recently broke, building new rig and unsure how to re install windows and find my activation key Installing Windows in new SSD without any activation key but there's Windows 10 in my old HDD. Question Problem activating windows 10 after changing Motherboard and CPU Question Windows RDS 2016: How To Restrict RDS users from accessing the "Default" user profile? Question Need assistance activating Windows 10 Enterprise E3 license What you should see is host addresses that resemble the business that IT guy activated at. Follow steps at: (be careful when using any command with slmgr /upk as it may remove all the keys if you mistype the values). Obviously, it should show up from internal commands that list the KMS servers.

*Unknown KMS hosts present: The KMS cracker mechanic relies on altering the system to look at a fake KMS server to validate.

Look at the exclusion list for any kind of system files. This (or access to these) will make most AV systems go nuts, so the altered DLL's are usually excluded after the DLL's are injected. *Antivirus exclusions: More advanced crackers don't need a persistent process, but an altered system DLL or executable instead. It has most likely set itself up to the startup too. *Background processes, especially the ones in the startup section: Basic KMS crackers work through a persistent system process which needs to be alive all the time, look for anything that has the name KMS in it and doesn't look like a legitimate Windows file. Here is some steps that might let you point out if the KMS in your system is a fake or not: