
Run as administrator xp
Run as administrator xp

REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f Click on Start, type Run and paste the following line into the Run box: Using this command, we can try to add a key that enables the registry. Method 2 – Registry KeyĮven if you can’t open the GUI registry editor, there is a DOS command line tool called REG that lets you edit, update and manipulate the registry. If you have a home computer, then you don’t have to worry about all of this, just restart your computer and you should be able to edit the registry again. You may also want to try the whole procedure above while disconnected from the network in order to ensure that the corporate policy does not override the local policy. You can try to avoid receiving the setting from the server by restarting your computer, but disconnecting your network card so that it can’t communicate with the network. In a corporate network, the gpupdate command will download the settings from the server again, which might just overwrite the setting to Enabled. If not, go to the command prompt (Start, Run, type cmd) and type in gpupdate, but only if you are not in a corporate environment. Now try to run the registry editor and see if it works. Step 4: If the setting is set to Enabled, you can change it to Not Configured or Disabled. Step 3: In the right hand pane, double click on Prevent access to registry editing tools.

run as administrator xp run as administrator xp run as administrator xp

Step 2: Navigate to User Configuration – Administrative Templates – System.

Run as administrator xp